Do you occasionally want to cover up a tattoo?
A small birthmark you’d prefer to hide… Alternatively, a scar you wish to forget… Your foundation is our Total Coverage cream. This amazing camouflage ointment actually makes scars, spots, and any other skin flaws—even the most severe ones—go away.
Simply select the cream shade that best matches your skin tone, then use your fingertips to dab on a small amount and apply in upward circular motions.
Our Total Coverage cream will last all day and survive the most harsh conditions, making it ideal for concealing an indelicate tattoo (for a job interview, for instance) or for getting rid of an ugly pimple, a bothersome birthmark, an incriminating scratch, or unsightly skin depigmentation. It’s also a great basis for makeup.
It’s an essential cream for all circumstances. Order right away to take advantage of our fantastic deal.